Fox News Sunday Soundtrack (1996)

0 SONGS 0 COMMENTS 28.04.1996

Season 14
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Season 14 - Songs by Episode

#1John Kyl, Chuck Schumer, Henry Paulson
21.09.20080 songs
#2Lindsey Graham, John Kerry
28.09.20080 songs
#3Joe Lieberman, Claire McCaskill, Karl Rove
05.10.20080 songs
#4David Axelrod, Rick David, Tim Pawlenty, Ed Rendell
12.10.20080 songs
#5John McCain
19.10.20080 songs
#6Tim Kaine, Tom Ridge, Karl Rove
26.10.20080 songs
#7Rick Davis, David Plouffe, Karl Rove
02.11.20080 songs
#8Eric Cantor, Mike Pence
09.11.20080 songs
#9Byron Dorgan, Jon Kyl, Tim Pawlenty, Michael Steele
16.11.20080 songs
#10David Axelrod, Steny Hoyer, John Boehner
23.11.20080 songs
#11Lindsey Graham, Claire McCaskill, Saxby Chambliss
30.11.20080 songs
#12Condoleezza Rice, Carl Levin, Richard Shelby
07.12.20080 songs
#13Bob Corker, Debbie Stabenow
14.12.20080 songs
#14Dick Cheney
21.12.20080 songs
#15Season 14, Episode 15
28.12.20080 songs
#16Season 14, Episode 16
04.01.20090 songs
#17George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush
11.01.20090 songs
#18Nancy Pelosi, Robert Gibbs
18.01.20090 songs
#19John McCain, Chuck Schumer
25.01.20090 songs
#20Richard Durbin, Jon Kyl, Michael Steele
01.02.20090 songs
#21Lawrence Summers, John Cornyn
08.02.20090 songs
#22David Axelrod, Eric Schmidt, Mark Zandi
15.02.20090 songs
#23Jennifer Granholm, Tim Pawlenty, Edward Rendell, Mark Sanford
22.02.20090 songs
#24Season 14, Episode 24
01.03.20090 songs
#25John McCain, Tim Kaine
08.03.20090 songs
#26Austan Goolsbee, Bob Corker, Barney Frank, Mark Zandi
15.03.20090 songs
#27Christina Romer, Richard Shelby, Charlie Rangel
22.03.20090 songs
#28Robert Gates, Stephen Harper, Edwin Feulner
29.03.20090 songs
#29David Axelrod, Mark Sanford, Newt Gingrich
05.04.20090 songs
#30Evan Bayh, Tom Coburn
12.04.20090 songs
#31Michael Hayden, Lindsey Graham, Claire McCaskill
19.04.20090 songs
#32Larry Summers, Kit Bond, Karl Levin
26.04.20090 songs
#33Janet Napolitano, Kathleen Sebelius, Dr. Richard Besser, Dick Durbin, Sen. John Ensign
03.05.20090 songs
#34David Petraeus, Newt Gingrich
10.05.20090 songs
#35Richard McBrien, Rev. Frank Pavone, Mitch McConnell, Patty Stonesifer
17.05.20090 songs
#36Joh Kyl, Ben Nelson, Karl Rove
24.05.20090 songs
#37Arlen Specter, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney
31.05.20090 songs
#42Mike Mullen, Steny Hoyer, Rep. John Boehner
05.07.20090 songs
#43Dianne Feinstein, John Cornyn, Eric Cantor
12.07.20090 songs
#48Kent Conrad, Richard Shelby, Denyce Graves
16.08.20090 songs
#49Jim Towey, Tammy Duckworth, Arlen Specter, Paul Ryan
23.08.20090 songs
#50Dick Cheney, Eric Holder
30.08.20090 songs
#51Lamar Alexander; Howard Dean; John Podesta; Newt Gingrich
06.09.20090 songs
#52Joe Wilson; Kent Conrad, Orrin Hatch, Claire McCaskill, Lindsey Graham
13.09.20090 songs
#53Bertha Lewis; Darrell Issa; Fred Smith; John Chambers; Steve Odland
20.09.20090 songs

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Fox News Sunday [1996]

Fox News Sunday



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